Get your halo headlights installed by a pro! We can help you find local installers near you. Check out our guide to get the job done right! 

Are you looking for professional installation services for halo headlights near you? With our comprehensive guide and directory, you can easily find reliable installers who specialize in halo headlight installations. Get expert advice, reviews, and tips on how to get your headlights installed safely and correctly!

Start off by researching nearby installers and making sure any establishment you visit is an experienced halo headlight installer. By using an experienced installer, you can be sure the person working on your vehicle is familiar with the product installation process and knows how to properly setup your headlight system.

Public Installer List

This list is a tabbed document please scroll down to the bottom of the document to select your state: 


 Ways to Find additional Installers in your area:

  • google local shops in your area. 
  • Facebook Marketplace / craigslist 
  • Instagram/ social media (some installers just advertise via social media and are not found on local google searches or business directories) 
  • We also recommend checking with local audio and custom car shops. 



The following list is based on public database of shops around the United States that have engaged with or used our products or services in the past or a have used our RGB halo kits third party vendor products in the past. RGB halo kits may or may not be directly affiliated with some of the installers on this list. Please note that install prices vary based on the specific shop or installer used. There may be other installers in your area that are not featured on this document. If you are a shop or installer that wishes to be added too or taken off this list, please submit a request here.