Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your order, please submit a cancellation request within 24 hours of purchase using our contact us form. Many orders are processed and shipped within one day, so cancellations made after the initial 24-hour period may require the item to be returned at the customer’s expense and will be subject to a 20% cancellation/restocking fee.
Custom Products Cancellation
This policy applies to made-to-order items with a production lead time, including but not limited to multicolor headlights and taillights.
For custom-built products, such as multicolor headlights and taillights, cancellations are only allowed within 12 hours of purchase, including weekends and holidays. After this period, production begins, and cancellations are no longer possible.
In rare cases, cancellations may still be accepted after 12 hours, but they will incur a 25% cancellation fee. This applies to all custom-made multicolor lighting products and other built-to-order items.
Once your custom or production order has started production, it cannot be canceled or refunded.