What is the difference between RGB, RGBW, and Flow Series / Color chasing?

What is the difference between RGB, RGBW, and Flow Series / Color chasing?

This article provides a comprehensive comparison of RGB, RGBW, and Flow Series/Color Chasing LED styles, helping you select the perfect color scheme for your needs with ease. 
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LED Lighting Terminology 
  • Multicolor = Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Pink, White 
  • RGB = multicolor  + mixed white color 
  • RGBW = multicolor + pure white color 
  • RGBWA = multicolor + pure white color + amber turn signal functionality 
  • FLOW SERIES/ Color Chasing  =  multicolor + features over 100+ sequential flowing effects/ modes 
  • Switchback = white color only + amber turn signal functionality
Flow or RGBW Which is better? 
Flow Series or Flow or Color Chasing is the newest LED Style and features the most head-turning effects and color combinations. Flow is great for car shows, attention, etc. Flow is slightly harder to operate as there are so many led modes. However, you can still choose solid colors like red, green, blue, and yellow at will through our controller. 
RGBW is more straightforward and brighter than Flow Series/ Color Chasing LEDS. RGBW is sometimes cheaper than Flow/ Color chasing LEDs, making it an excellent option for someone who wants multicolor functionality without all the extra modes that Flow/ Color chasing offers.
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